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Version: 3.24

CI/CD Variables Dashboard

The CI/CD variables dashboard displays information about variables used in pipelines that senhasegura DSM was able to discover.

Access this dashboard in DevOps Secret Manager ➔ Dashboards ➔ CI/CD variables.

The following information is available in this dashboard:

VariablesTotal amount discovered of variables.
Sensitive variablesTotal amount of variables with sensitive information, where senhasegura DSM can detect sensitive information based on varible names such as TOKEN, USER, PASSWORD, ACCESS_KEY_ID, SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, SECRET, CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET.
ApplicationsTotal amount of applications related to discovered variables.
SystemsTotal amount of systems related to discovered variables.
EnvironmentsTotal amount of environments related to discovered variables.
DeploysTotal amount of deployments. Everytime senhasegura DSM detects the senhasegura CLI execution it will register it as a Deploy.
Deploys by day (15 days)A bar chart with the total amount of deployments registered in the last 15 days categorized by day.
Deploys by applicationA pie chart with the total amount of deployments registered between a given date range according to the applied filter categorized by application.
Deploys by systemA pie chart with the total amount of deployments registered between a given date range according to the applied filter categorized by system.
Deploys by environmentA pie chart with the total amount of deployments registered between a given date range according to the applied filter categorized by environment.
Deploys time (only applies the last day in data filter)A pie chart with the total amount of deployments registered between a given date range according to the applied filter categorized by hour of the day. This chart uses data colected in the last day of the data filter.
Variables by day (15 days)A bar chart with the total amount of variables discovered in the last 15 days categorized by day.
Variables by applicationA pie chart with the total amount of variables registered between a given date range according to the applied filter categorized by application.
Sensitive variablesA bar chart with the total amount of sensitive variables registered between a given date range according to the applied filter categorized by name. The detection of those variables is made by their names, where senhasegura DSM detect names such as TOKEN, USER, PASSWORD, ACCESS_KEY_ID, SECRET_ACCESS_KEY, SECRET, CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET.
Variables by systemA pie chart with the total amount of variables registered between a given date range according to the applied filter categorized by system.
Variables by environmentA pie chart with the total amount of variables registered between a given date range according to the applied filter categorized by environment.
CI/CD Variables Dashboard
More Detailed Reports

It is possible to access more details of a given report just by clicking on it using a drill-down navegation format.

Filterable Information

Some information can be filtered by data ranges, such as:

  • Deploys by application
  • Deploys by system
  • Deploys by environment
  • Deploys time (only applies the last day in data filter)
  • Variables by application
  • Sensitive variables
  • Variables by system
  • Variables by environment