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Version: 3.25

Set Up Active Directory Authentication Server


Step by Step

To set up the authentication in senhasegura via Active Directory, follow these steps:

  1. Access the menu: Settings ➔ Authentication ➔ Servers

  2. Click on the New Server report button

  3. Fill in the LDAP server fields

LDAP Server form
HostHostname or IP of the AD server.
We recommend always using the IP and not a DNS - Avoid use DNS.
PortLDAP communication port number.
The default protocol port number, 389 (LDAP unsecured), if Use SSL? is selected as "yes", be sure to use the correct port by default with SSL is used port 636.
EnabledIndicates whether the server is enabled or not for use.
Credential for authenticationCredential that will be used to perform the user authentication on the server and users synchronization between servers.
DN BaseDistinguished Name Base of your server, this will serve as the basis for the LDAP queries.
Account formThe users query can be performed using the following formats:

  • Username: just using username
  • Backslash using domain and username separated by a slash. Eg. domain\user
  • Main: used for for Microsoft, using username and domain separated by at.
  • DN: Use DN filter for account identification;
Account filter formatAccount filter format parameters.
Username attributeThe attribute of the username to be searched.
Example: "cn"
Account domainAccount domain name from the LDAP server used.
Account domain (short name)Name of the domain to which the account belongs.
GroupGroup name.
Group DNDistinguished name of the group.
Group attribute (GroupAttr)The attribute of the group to be searched.
Example: "cn"
Group scopeDescription of group scope, objective;
Group filterString that will be added to the search filter when searching for a group.
Example: ( OR=name_of_or,dc=domain,dc=local)
Member attribute (MemberAttr)Distinguished name of objects in the group that you can find.
OrderNumber to set server priority, lowest the number will have more priority to be used, in cases that one server fails the second in order will be used
Use SSL?Indicates whether authentication will use the SSL connection or not. If using SSL, be sure to add the correct port
Member is DNIndicates whether the member is DN or not;
Bind requires DN?Indicates whether bind requires DN;
DN Bind (leave blank to use DN Base)DN Bind Parameters;

Once registered and active, senhasegura can use this server to authenticate users.

  1. Click on the Save button to complete the registration

  2. Click on the More options ( ⁝ ) and select Test Authentication

  3. Fill with an user from the AD server that should be able to authenticate, type the user password and click Authenticate

If it shows you a green authentication alert, the Active Directory Authentication Server is now ready to be used.

Please check our common AD LDAP errors in case of some errors.