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Version: 3.25

General Information

senhasegura has a self-made load-balancer to interface all senhasegura instances running into cluster schema. The senhasegura Load-balancer is a ready-to-deploy and also a ready-to-use solution, configured to give the best performance over senhasegura functionalities.

Technical informations

Minimum requirements
  • 4GB RAM;
  • 2 vCPUs (4 vCPUs recommended);
  • 40GB vHD;

It will use the same SSL certificate installed into senhasegura instances. There is no need to install a particular SSL certificate for the load-balancer.

As it is a tailor-made product for balancing the senhasegura , the senhasegura Load-balancer has a very specific optimization, and should not be used to balance other applications. Therefore, we do not offer the option of changing the balancing method and/or monitoring methods to the customer. Its use the least connection algorithm for balancing mode.

An example of senhasegura Load-balancer architecture
An example of senhasegura Load-balancer architecture

Using senhasegura Load-balancer you can also decide which service should be balanced. A company which uses SSH connections more than the others proxies, can isolate dedicate instances for a better performance.