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Version: 3.22

Control of executed commands

The control of commands executed through senhasegura.go allows to indicate the commands that can be executed in CMD and Powershell, that is, commands not indicated in the configuration will be blocked.


The control of commands through the senhasegura.go works only locally, for remote executions of commands use the functionality Audited commands of the PAM module. Consult the senhasegura Proxy Manual to use this functionality.

This functionality is configured through the web interface of the senhasegura in the menu: go ➔ Settings ➔ Windows command.


By creating a control for a command automatically you can only use CMD and Powershell through the client senhasegura.go

  1. On this screen you have access to the report of previously configured commands, which can be segregated in the following ways:

    • General rule: They are valid for all workstations where the senhasegura.go is active and approved.

    • Segregation for workstation: The configuration will only apply to the workstations defined in the form.

  2. To create a new command control click on the reporting action General rule or Segregation for workstation, as you prefer;

  3. Indicate the name of the control, whether it will be enabled or not and in the *Commands** field enter the complete command that can be executed in the CMD or Powershell of the workstation. This field can be filled with regular expressions.

    1. If you have chosen the control option workstation segregations the form will present a tab called Workstation.

    2. When accessing this tab click the add button and select from the list the workstations that were part of this configuration and click Add.

  4. To finish click Save

At the end perform a workstation access where the control was configured and try to insert commands different from those registered in CMD or Powershell.