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Version: 3.22

Authentication automation

The authentication automation functionality allows the senhasegura.go to authenticate installed applications or web pages that are accessed directly on the user's workstation. This automation uses the credential selected in senhasegura.go to fill in data such as username and password.

These macros are not the same as those used in proxy sessions. Your registration is individual and is released for use by users through access lists.

Creating a new authentication

Accessing the menu go ➔ Automation you have access to all registered automations. We will create a web page automation as an example. Use the "New" report action to register a new automation and follow the steps below.

  1. Fill the name of the automation in the Name field. This name will be displayed to the senhasegura.go user.

  2. Choose the type of automation in the Type field. This type determines whether senhasegura.go will start an application installed on the workstation or if it will start the workstation's default browser to perform web automation.

  3. Keep the Active? field active so that the senhasegura.go user can use automation.

  4. Fill the Application path field with the physical path of the application or the URL of the website to be authenticated. In this field it is also possible to provide arguments to the execution binary, as long as the binary is enclosed in double quotes, and the arguments are then outside the quotes, as per the Microsoft®standard.

  5. The optional fields Tags and Description can be filled if necessary.


For Web Authentication senhasegura.go uses the default browser chosen by the user. But only the browsers Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox are supported. Microsoft Edge and Microsoft Internet Explorer are not supported.

You can now write your automation. At this part the screen will be divided into three blocks. Script, Actions and Properties.

  • Script: Have the already programmed sequence of actions that make up automation. Actions can be rearranged by drag and drop, changing the execution order. When you click on a specific action, it will open for editing its properties.

  • Actions: These are the actions that can be added to the automation script. When you click on one of the options, it will be added as the last element in the Script and its properties can be edited

  • Properties: Here you can describe the details of the action. Each type of action performs a different task in automation, and has different properties.

Let now understand what are the possible actions and their properties.

  • Button: Used when you want to "click" on an element that acts as a button. Your label property must be filled in with the visible text that defines it.

  • Menu: Application menu path. Fill in the path property with the path to automate. Separate the levels with ;. Ex: Edit;Preferences;Source will automate the path Edit ➔ Preferences ➔ Source;

  • Input: Fill a text field at the application or website. Fill the Label property with the name visible to the user, which identifies the field. And fill Value with the value to be entered in the target application field.


    The Value property can be filled in with the tags [#USERNAME#], [#PASSWORD#], [#DOMAIN#], [#HOSTNAME#] and [#HOST_IP#]. It will be replaced by the selected credential username and password for elevation in the senhasegura.go interface.

When you have finished filling in the properties, save with the Save button in the properties box and continue programming the chain of actions. At the end, click on the Save button in the lower right corner to finish configuring your automation.

Releasing automations for users

Automations are delivered to senhasegura.go users via access lists. Go to the menu go ➔ Settings ➔ Access lists to access all access segregations already created.

Using the reporting actions, choose between New general segregation and New segregation for Workstation to create a Automation type segregation.

On the presented screen, name the list to be created and click on Save. After saving the configuration record, you can edit it again to add which configured automations will be made available to all users (if it is a global segregation) or to certain workstations (if it is a segregation by workstation).

At the end, senhasegura.go users will be able to access the automations through the senhasegura.go interface.

Performing an automation

Once automation is available in the senhasegura.go interface, the user can select a credential to be used by the automation script and finally, select an automation to run.


Some important automation details:

  • Automations are not recorded on video.

  • The execution will be performed in the logged user's session. There is no impersonation.

  • There is a 1 minute timeout for attempting to execute the automation. During automation the user will be limited in his actions.