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Version: 3.21

DevOps Reference Guide


Within the DevOps universe flexibility and performance are crucial for applications to have access to all the resources needed to get their jobs done.

Orchestrators and virtualizers rely on technology abstractions so that differentiated ecosystem applications can coexist and share information across core operating system functionality.

Within a modern SDLC, developers have the ability to run their applications using the same variables and resources as a productive environment.

This feature however raises the concern that sensitive information is hardcoded to source codes or configuration files.

Within this scope, senhasegura provides to software manufacturers many ways to request confidential information such as passwords, keys, and other information that must be segregated and managed by a team outside the development team.

The technologies presented here are all developed within the manufacturers customization layer, strictly following their specifications and concerns regarding information security and integrity.


The main channel of this communication is senhasegura WebService A2A . The other plugins, APIs, and requests described in this document are integration facilitators.

Kubernetes and OpenShift

Init container and Sidecar for Kubernetes and Openshift

What is init container?

In a traditional container structure, it is very common for an application to be replicated for use in different parts of the world. As a result, it is necessary that the secrets used by her also be replicated, generating a high risk attack point. Since they are replicas, they all tend to use the same secret to use external applications and a leak of this information would cause damage that cannot be traced.

The senhasegura sidecar comes to mediate this communication and dynamically provision different secrets for each of these replicas and keep all these environments safe and remote. In this way, the leakage of one of these secrets would not have a direct impact on other applications, it would allow quick tracking and an efficient counter attack when updating this secret.

Sidecars and init containers are used to mediate communication between the container and the safe for the search for secrets and storage in a file with its contents on the server Init container is a special type of auxiliary container for applications running inside Kubernetes pods, normally performing bootstrap tasks like application settings and secrets query.

The init container is executed during the creation of a pod, and only allows applications to start after its successful execution

For further information access the official Kubernetes documentation about init containers

What is the purpose of the senhasegura init container?

To collect the application's secrets storedge at senhasegura and inject into the application container at the directory /var/run/secrets/senhasegura. The application must be encoded to read the secrets in the directory /var/run/secrets/senhasegura or the access tokens in /var/run/secrets/iso if the sexecution type is iso.

How does it work?

There is four types of execution for the module, which is defined by the SENHASEGURA_EXECUTION_TYPE environment variable:

  • iso: Register a new authorization in senhasegura using the WebService A2A endpoint POST /iso/dapp/application, with the information from /etc/senhasegura/ saving authorization data into /etc/run/secrets/iso path.

  • inject_template: Register a new authorization using the WebService A2A endpoint POST /iso/dapp/application, using the authorization data stored at /etc/senhasegura/ with the acquired authorization, request the application secrets and save it at /etc/run/secrets/sechasegura/[app_name].

  • inject: Using the information from /etc/senhasegura/, request the application secrets and save it at the folder /etc/run/secrets/sechasegura/[app_name]

  • sidecar: Periodically according to the secrets loop, using the information at /etc/senhasegura/ request the application secrets and save it at folder /etc/run/secrets/sechasegura/[app_name] keeping data updated.

How secrets are stored in the directory /var/run/secrets/senhasegura?

All secrets collected by the execution type injectTemplate, inject and sidecar will be saved at /var/run/secrets/senhasegura as plain-text files, following the pattern below.

root@app-nft-6596869788-9mxpf:/var/run/secrets## tree /var/run/secrets/senhasegura/
`- aws ** <- Application name **
|- myapp_cred ** <- Identity da secret **
| - APP_CLOUD ** <- Keys inserted in the secret **
| - APP_VERSION ** <- Keys inserted in the secret **
| - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID ** <- Keys inserted in the secret **
| - AWS_ACCESS_KEY_SECRET ** <- Keys inserted in the secret **
| - CRED_Additional_Information ** <- Keys inserted in the secret **
| - CRED_Hostname ** <- Keys inserted in the secret **
| - CRED_Password ** <- Keys inserted in the secret **
` - CRED_Username ** <- Keys inserted in the secret **
` - PASSWORD ** <- Property of secret if exists **
` - HOSTNAME ** <- Property of secret if exists **
` - TTL ** <- Property of secret if exists **

1 directory, 8 files

How to configure the init container?

  • Create the application in senhasegura with authentication method in OAuth2 and link the desired secrets

  • Create a secret in Kubernetes with the OAuth2 tokens generated by senhasegura for the created application

    $ kubectl create secret generic senhasegura-example-app  
  • Add the initContainers session and create a volume of type emptyDir in the deployment declaration. Example:

    apiVersion: apps/v1
    kind: Deployment
    name: senhasegura-example-app
    namespace: senhasegura-example-app
    app: senhasegura-example-app
    replicas: 5
    app: senhasegura-example-app
    strategy: {}
    app: senhasegura-example-app
    - name: senhasegura
    emptyDir: {}

    - image: nginx
    name: nginx
    - name: senhasegura
    mountPath: /var/run/secrets/senhasegura/

    - image: senhasegura/secrets-init-container:latest
    name: senhasegura-secrets-init-container
    command: ["senhasegura-secrets-init-container"]
    - name: senhasegura
    mountPath: /var/run/secrets/senhasegura/
    name: senhasegura-example-app
    name: senhasegura-example-app
    name: senhasegura-example-app
  • Validate that the secrets were created in the /var/run/secrets/senhasegura/ directory


Playbook Secrets Query

Ansible1 is a provisioning software provided by Red Hat Inc 2.

Its YAML file-based configuration model, filled with server groups and tasks to perform, allows secrets to be integrated through modules. Thus senhasegura has developed a Python module following the manufacturer's specifications so that playbooks can be designed using passwords managed by senhasegura without the need for exposure of their value.

senhasegura Ansible modules instalation


Every Ansible execution using senhasegura Ansible plugins will communicate to senhasegura server using WebService A2A . And it's application must be configured to use OAuth2.0.

First at all you should ask our support team to obtain all senhasegura Ansible plugins source-code.

Then you can follow these steps to install senhasegura plugins into your Ansible server.

  1. In the ansible.cfg configuration file (usually in /etc/ansible/ansible.cfg), define a directory for custom modules.

    library = /path/to/ansible/custom_modules/
  2. Create the directory defined in the configuration file and copy the file src/

    mkdir -p /path/to/ansible/custom_modules/
    cp src/ /path/to/ansible/custom_modules/
  3. Check if module is loaded using ansible-doc

    ansible-doc -t module senhasegura_credential

senhasegura Ansible modules basic usage

After performing the installation steps, you will need to: Export in environment variables the authentication parameters for A2A and define a task set in Playbook that uses the senhasegura module.

Export in environment variables the authentication parameters for A2A

Authentication parameters:

export SENHASEGURA_A2A_TOKEN=valueHere
For Ansible Tower or AWX users

Please configure "Custom Credential Type" for senhasegura authentication parameters:

  1. With a user who has administrative privileges, register a new "Custom Credential Type" in Administration ➔ Credential Types

  2. In the input configuration field fill in the values below

    - type: string
    id: senhasegura_url
    label: senhasegura URL
    - type: string
    id: senhasegura_client
    label: Consumer Key
    secret: true
    - type: string
    id: senhasegura_token
    label: Token
    secret: true
    - senhasegura_url
    - senhasegura_client
    - senhasegura_token
  3. In the injector configuration field fill in the values below

    SENHASEGURA_A2A_CONSUMER_KEY: '{{ senhasegura_client }}'
    SENHASEGURA_A2A_TOKEN: '{{ senhasegura_token }}'
    SENHASEGURA_A2A_URL: '{{ senhasegura_url }}'
  4. Example:

  5. With a user who has administrative privileges, register a new credential in Resources ➔ Credentials. Fill in the required values:


senhasegura_credential module

When running a PlayBook Ansible, you need to query a credential registered in the senhasegura to perform tasks such as:

  • Connect on database with user cbda

  • Open encrypted file

  • Execute any task with privilege elevation

  • Any task that needs a credential

Playbook example
### Example: Creating a credential
- hosts: all
- name: Create credential
system_url: ''
client_id: 'your_application_oauth_client_id'
client_secret: 'your_application_oauth_client_secret'
state: present
hostname: my_credential_hostname
username: my_credential_username
password: my_credential_password
tags: ['mytag1', 'mytag2']
additional_info: 'created by ansible'
register: cred_created

- name: "Credential created | Print credential"
var: cred_created
### Example: Deleting a credential
- hosts: all
- name: Delete credential id 9
system_url: ''
client_id: 'your_application_oauth_client_id'
client_secret: 'your_application_oauth_client_secret'
identifier: '9'
state: absent
register: cred

- name: "Credential ID 9 | Print credential"
var: cred
Parameters description
  • system_url: The senhasegura environment URL used for auth, set up as enviroment variable named SENHASEGURA_A2A_URL

    • Type: String

    • Required: Only if the enviroment variable is not set

  • client_id: The A2A client_id for user, set up as enviroment variable named SENHASEGURA_A2A_CLIENT_ID

    • Type: String

    • Required: Only if the enviroment variable is not set

  • client_secret: The A2A client_secret for user, set up as enviroment variable named SENHASEGURA_A2A_CLIENT_SECRET

    • Type: String

    • Required: Only if the enviroment variable is not set

  • state: Specifies the state needed for the credential. present for create or update credential, absent for delete credential.

    • Type: String

    • Options: absent, present

    • Required: No, default value is present

  • id_credential: The ID of credential for management. Required to update and delete. If omitted and the state is present, a new credential will be created

    • Type: int

    • Required: Only when state is absent

  • identifier: The secret identifier for management, alias to credential_id. Required to update and delete. If omitted and the state is present, a new credential will be created

    • Type: int

    • Required: Only when id_credential is ommited

  • hostname: Hostname to set in the credential

    • Type: String

    • Required: Only when state is present

  • ip: IP to set in the credential

    • Type: String

    • Required: Only when state is present

  • credential_type: Specifies the type of credential.

    • Type: String

    • Options: local_user, local_administrator, domain_user

    • Required: No, default value is local_user

  • username: Username to set in the secret if found by id_credential or identifier, or will be used to find the credential

    • Type: String

    • Required: Only when state is present

  • password: The password to set in the secret. This password must meet the password policy requirements.

    • Type: String

    • Required: Only when state is present

  • domain: The credential domain.

    • Type: String

    • Required: No

  • tags: The credential tags.

    • Type: list

    • Required: No

  • additional_info: The additional information for credential.

    • Type: String

    • Required: No

  • parent_credential: Parent credential id

    • Type: String

    • Required: No

senhasegura_device module

When running a PlayBook Ansible, you may need to provisioning new devices inside senhasegura or query for existing devices.

Playbook example
### Example: Creating a device
- hosts: all
- name: Create device
system_url: ''
client_id: 'your_application_oauth_client_id'
client_secret: 'your_application_oauth_client_secret'
state: present
hostname: mydevicehost
type: server
vendor: mydevicevendor
model: mydevicemodel
connectivity_protocol: ['SSH','Telnet']
connectivity_port: [22, 23]
site: default

register: device_created

- name: "Device created | Print device"
var: device_created
### Example: Deleting a device
- hosts: all
- name: Delete device id 9
system_url: ''
client_id: 'your_application_oauth_client_id'
client_secret: 'your_application_oauth_client_secret'
identifier: '9'
state: absent
register: device

- name: "Device ID 9 | Print device"
var: device
Parameters description
  • system_url: The senhasegura environment URL used for auth, set up as enviroment variable named SENHASEGURA_A2A_URL

    • Type: String

    • Required: Only if the enviroment variable is not set

  • client_id: The A2A client_id for user, set up as enviroment variable named SENHASEGURA_A2A_CLIENT_ID

    • Type: String

    • Required: Only if the enviroment variable is not set

  • client_secret: The A2A client_secret for user, set up as enviroment variable named SENHASEGURA_A2A_CLIENT_SECRET

    • Type: String

    • Required: Only if the enviroment variable is not set

  • state: Specifies the state needed for the device. present for create or update and absent for delete.

    • Type: String

    • Required: None

    • Options: absent, present

  • identifier: Identifier to find device

    • Type: Integer

    • Required: Yes

  • hostname: Hostname to query or set a new device

    • Type: String

    • Required: Yes

  • ip: IP to set a new device

    • Type: String

    • Required: Yes

  • type: Specifies the device type.

    • Type: String

    • Required: Only if state is present

  • vendor: Specifies the device vendor. It will be automatically created if not exists.

    • Type: String

    • Required: Only if state is present

  • model: Specifies the device model. It will be automatically created if not exists.

    • Type: String

    • Required: Only if state is present

  • site: Specifies the device site. It will be automatically created if not exists.

    • Type: String

    • Required: Only if state is present

  • domain: Specifies the device domain.

    • Type: String

    • Required: No

  • connectivity_protocol: The device connectivity protocols.

    • Type: List

    • Required: No

    • Options: HTTP, HTTPS, LDAP, LDAPS, MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, RDP, SQL Server, SSH, TDS Sybase, Telnet, VNC, Windows RM, Windows RPC, X11 Forward

  • connectivity_port: The connectivity ports on device. Must be a integer list for connectivities protocol sent.

    • Type: List

    • Required: No

senhasegura_key module

Using this plugin you can create, change or inativate SSL keys managed by senhasegura .

Playbook example
### Example: Creating a key
- hosts: all
- name: Delete key
system_url: ''
client_id: 'your_application_oauth_client_id'
client_secret: 'your_application_oauth_client_secret'
id_key: '999'
state: absent
register: key

- name: "Key ID 1 | Print key"
var: key

- name: Create key
system_url: ''
client_id: 'your_application_oauth_client_id'
client_secret: 'your_application_oauth_client_secret'
state: present
hostname: mydevicehost
username: myuser
password: mypassword
public_key: |
private_key: |
Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED
DEK-Info: DES-EDE3-CBC,384DE75465B87200
tags: ['mytag01', 'mytag02']
register: key_created

- name: "Key created | Print key"
var: key_created
### Example: Deleting a key
- hosts: all
- name: Delete key
system_url: ''
client_id: 'your_application_oauth_client_id'
client_secret: 'your_application_oauth_client_secret'
id_key: '9999'
state: absent
register: key
- name: "Key ID 9999 | Print key"
var: key
Parameters description
  • system_url: The senhasegura environment URL used for auth, set up as enviroment variable named SENHASEGURA_A2A_URL

    • Type: String

    • Required: Only if the enviroment variable is not set

  • client_id: The A2A client_id for user, set up as enviroment variable named SENHASEGURA_A2A_CLIENT_ID

    • Type: String

    • Required: Only if the enviroment variable is not set

  • client_secret: The A2A client_secret for user, set up as enviroment variable named SENHASEGURA_A2A_CLIENT_SECRET

    • Type: String

    • Required: Only if the enviroment variable is not set

  • state: Specifies the state needed for the device. present for create or update and absent for delete.

    • Type: String

    • Required: None

    • Options: absent, present

  • id_key: The key record ID for management. Required to update and delete. If omitted, and the state is present, a new key will be created.

    • Type: Integer

    • Required: Only if state is absent

  • identifier: The secret identifier for management, alias to id_key. Required to update and delete operations. If omitted and the state is present, a new key will be created.

    • Type: Integer

    • Required: Only if id_key is ommited

  • hostname: Hostname to set in the device key

    • Type: String

    • Required: Only if state is present

  • ip: Ip to set in the device key

    • Type: String

    • Required: Only if state is present

  • key_type: Specifies the type of key.

    • Type: String

    • Required: No, the default value is local_user

    • Options: local_user

  • username: Username to set in the secret if found by id_key identifier, or will be used to find the key

    • Type: String

    • Required: Only if state is present

  • password: The password to set in the secret. This password must meet the password policy requirements.

    • Type: String

    • Required: Only if state is present

  • private_key: The SSH private key.

    • Type: String

    • Required: No

  • public_key: The SSH public key.

    • Type: String

    • Required: No

  • tags: The key tags

    • Type: list

    • Required: No

senhasegura_query_credential module

Using this module your application can query for registered credentials into senhasegura server.

Playbook example
- hosts: all
- name: Find credential by it's id
system_url: ''
client_id: 'your_application_oauth_client_id'
client_secret: 'your_application_oauth_client_secret'
id_credential: '10035'
register: cred

- name: "Credential ID 10035 | Print credential"
var: cred

- name: Fetch credential for 'ansible' user on server 'AIX7.2 ' with IP ''
system_url: ''
client_id: 'your_application_oauth_client_id'
client_secret: 'your_application_oauth_client_secret'
username: ansible
ip: ''
hostname: AIX7.2
register: cred

- name: "Print credential"
var: cred
Parameters description
  • system_url: The senhasegura environment URL used for auth, set up as enviroment variable named SENHASEGURA_A2A_URL

    • Type: String

    • Required: Only if the enviroment variable is not set

  • client_id: The A2A client_id for user, set up as enviroment variable named SENHASEGURA_A2A_CLIENT_ID

    • Type: String

    • Required: Only if the enviroment variable is not set

  • client_secret: The A2A client_secret for user, set up as enviroment variable named SENHASEGURA_A2A_CLIENT_SECRET

    • Type: String

    • Required: Only if the enviroment variable is not set

  • hostname: The hostname of secret for fetch, only if id_credential and identifier is omitted

    • Required: No

    • Type: String

  • id_credential: The ID of credential for fetch

    • Required: No

    • Type: String

  • identifier: The secret identifier for fetch, only if id_credential is omitted

    • Required: No

    • Type: String

  • ip: The IP or DNS of secret for fetch, only if id_credential and identifier is omitted

    • Required: No

    • Type: String

  • username: The username of secret for fetch, only if id_credential and identifier is omitted

    • Required: No

    • Type: String

Gitlab CI/CD

GitLab3 CI/CD4 allows variables to be configured at the project layer. Allowing variable values to be determined depending on their scope.

senhasegura can interact directly with the values of these variables at the time the credentials change manually or through automated execution processes.

Credentials, such as a database password, can be changed in all projects where this credential is used through GitLab Executor Plugin.

Requesting GitLab for Credential Update

In this case, among the child credentials of this changed parent credential must be the credential for the project variable bearing the updated password.

When triggered the change of the child password, a request will be directed to the GitLab server according to the manufacturer standard, requesting the variable update in the project.

Project environment variable master
Password exchange execution string setting

See Operations Administrator's Guide for more information on the Executions module

Once the parent credential is changed, child credentials that match the GitLab performer will make a request as directed by the manufacturer's official documentation5

  • PRJ_TOKEN: Credential password that stores the project token

  • GIT: Credential hostname that stores the project token

  • PRJ_ID: Additional credential information that stores the project token

  • CHILD_CRED_USER: Child credential username. Is the name of the environment variable.

  • PARENT_CRED_PASSWORD: Password of parent credential changed

curl --request POST --header 'PRIVATE-TOKEN: \[#PRJ_TOKEN#\]' 
'https://\[#GIT#\]/api/v4/projects/\[#PRJ_ID#\]/variables' --form
'key = \[#CHILD_CRED_USER#\]' --form 'value = \[#PARENT_CRED_PASSWORD#\]'

senhasegura Execution Template

set-request-method PUT
set-content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded
set-request-header PRIVATE-TOKEN [#COE_PASSWORD#]
set-request-content value=[#NEW_PASSWORD#]


expect [#USERNAME#]

Jenkins CI/CD

The Jenkins CI/CD6 allows environment variables to be set within the execution pipelines. It also allows safe storage of values that can be used within these same pipelines without exposure.

The administrator's challange is ensuring that these same variables are automatically rotated.

Through Jenkins native architecture, senhasegura allows variables to be injected at pipeline runtime from our Jenkins plugin.


Pay attention to Jenkins-CLI security recommendations.

Integration Plugin

The integration plugin of Jenkins is aimed at:

  • Intercept all environment variables at the moment of their execution by sending them to the senhasegura

  • Search all the secrets they had in the authorization

  • Update environment variables

  • Provide runtime secrets as environment variables

The plugin helps so that the information is not exposed, since it only uses it when it is necessary, and the information will be centralized in a single solution, thus facilitating its management.

To make use of this plugin is necessary that the user:

  1. Get the integration plugin with our support team

  2. Install the integration plugin at Jenkins

  3. Perform the configuration by adding in the section called senhasegura DSM Plugin in one of the levels: Global, Folder or Job

  4. Run the plugin


After running the plugin access the senhasegura to see all variables sent through the menu: DevSecOps ➔ CI/CD ➔ Variables.

Sensitive variables

senhasegura consider as sensitive variables those that contain confidential information such as passwords and tokens, for example.

It is possible to see the amount of variables sent that were considered by the senhasegura as sensitive through the variable dashboard: DevSecOps ➔ Dashboard ➔ CI/CD variables.

This dashboard also helps you understand what information may be exposed when it should not be.


By receiving some variables the senhasegura understands the sensitivity of the information and creates, in an automated way, a Secret for managing these variables.

The secrets can be found in the following report: DevSecOps ➔ Secret Management ➔ Secrets.


In the same way Jenkins will be able to use the secrets managed by the senhasegura . This will require creating an application authorization and linking the secrets that Jenkins may make use of. Please refer to the chapter Secrets of this book to understand how to perform this procedure.

Docker Secrets

Docker7 is a container software that provides operating system abstraction at the kernel layer. Its use, however, does not act as an orchestrator, but is also responsible for providing sensitive information to application containers. Always following the same DevOps principle, these applications abstract the runtime environment so that the same development code can be deployed to a productive container without affecting its behavior.

Because a container's configuration files are open text files, Docker provides a sensitive information management layer called Docker Secrets8.

Performing Docker Secrets Replication Password Change

With no need for extra plugins, senhasegura can replicate the changed parent password directly to the Docker server using the manufacturer binary.

Execution Template senhasegura

## general definitions
set-connect-timeout 10
set-read-timeout 5
set-ssh-version 2

## set english language
expect "*$"r
exec "export LC_ALL=C"

## execute as root
expect "*$"
exec "sudo su"
expect "[sudo]*[#AUTH_USER#]*"
exec "[#AUTH_PASSWORD#]"

## remove docker secret
expect "*#"
exec "docker secret rm [#USERNAME#]"

## create new secret
expect "*#"
exec "echo "[#NEW_PASSWORD#]" | docker secret create [#USERNAME#] -"

expect "*#"
exec "exit"

expect "*$"
exec "exit"


See the Docker Secrets manual for a better understanding of how you can enhance the senhasegura execution template for your need.

chapterSecret Secrets are a set of sensitive information that is used for digital authentication across DevOps environments. It can include passwords, access keys, tokens or even an array of key/values to be used in privileged accounts, applications and services.

Given the increasing complexity and growth of DevOps culture and tools to support it, the challenge is to centralize, securely store, transmit and audit secrets.

senhasegura Secret Management was conceived/developed/created to overcome these challenges by offering a secure way to manage the entire secret lifecycle.

Create a secret

To manually create a secret, go to the menu DevSecOps ➔ Secret Management ➔ Secrets.

  1. Click the actions button and select New secret option.

  2. On the Main tab, complete the following fields:

    Secret configuration form
    • Name: Secret name;

    • Identity: Secret identifier;

    • Enabled: Indicates whether or not the secret is active ;

    • Version: Secret version;

    • Expiration date: Date and time for the secret to expire;

    • Engine: Engine for the secret to being used;

    • Description: Detailed description for the secret;

    • Key/Value: An array of key/value entries;

  3. Click the Access Keys tab to add Access Keys to the secret:

    Secret configuration form - Access keys
  4. Click on the records to select the desired keys and then click the Add button.

  5. Click the Credentials tab to include credentials to the secret:

    Secret configuration form - Credentials
  6. Click on the credential records to select the desired ones and then click the Add button.

  7. Click the Save button to complete the registration

Create an application

For the secrets to be used, they need to be linked to an authorization that is related to the application.

To create a new application, go to DevSecOps ➔ Applications ➔ Applications.

  1. Click the actions button and select New application option

  2. On the Application configuration screen, complete the following fields:

    Application configuration form
    Application nameName to identify the application
    Use OAuth signatureOption to choose which OAuth signature to be used
    EnabledIndicates whether or not the application is active
    Line of BusinessApplication business line
    Application typeIndicates the application category
    Automatic provisioning of secretsAllows new key pairs to be created automatically when needed
    Provisioning profileIndicates o profile to be used for o automatic provisioning
    TagsTags used to locate a segregate this application
    DescriptionDetailed description for the application
  1. Click the Save button to complete the registration

Create an authorization

An authorization is needed to securely identify and authenticate the requester for an application secret and to restrict which secrets are allowed to be requested.

To create a new authorization, follow the menu DevSecOps ➔ Applications ➔ Authorization by application.


An application is required for a new authorization to be created.

  1. Click the New authorization option in the desired application.

  2. On the Security tab, complete the following fields:

    Application authorization security form
    Authorized resourcesList of resources allowed for this authorization
    Date/Time ExpirationDate and time for the authorization to expire
    EnabledIndicates whether or not the authorization is active
    Enable encryption of sensitive informationIndicates whether sensitive information is to be encrypted or not
    Allowed IPsList of allowed IPs for this authorization
    Allowed HTTP referrersList of allowed HTTP referers for this authorization
  1. Click on the Secrets tab to link the secrets to be allowed to this authorization:

    Application authorization secrets form
    IDSecret ID
    SecretSecret name
  1. Click on the desired secrets to select them

  2. Click the Save button to complete the registration


Through the menu: DevSecOps ➔ Dashboard ➔ Secrets you will find data and graphs about the secrets of the system as for example:

Dashboard - Secrets
  • Application by business line

  • Number of authorizations

  • Number of secrets consulted per day

  • Authorizations by environments

Dynamic credentials provisioning

Access the Dynamic provisioning report: PAM ➔ Dynamic provisioning ➔ Profile. Click the report action button Add profile. Then fill out the form:

  1. In the field Identifier enter a term so that this profile is easy to identify in reports.

  2. Indicate whether it is active for use.

  3. Then select the Type of this profile that they can be:

    • Linux

    • MySQL

    • Oracle

    • SQL Server

    • Windows

  4. In the field Devices select a device already registered in the senhasegura

  5. Indicate the Template of credential creation that will be used by this profile. Clicking on the add icon next to the field will provide an additional field to insert another credential creation template.

  6. Likewise, select the Credential Removal Template, add icon performs the same action as the previous field providing the option to insert more than one credential removal template that can be used by the profile.

  7. Then enter the Default TTL, that is, the time in seconds that this credential will be valid before being automatically deleted.

After finishing the profile registration go to the menu DevSecOps ➔ Applications ➔Applications and fill in the form:

  1. Insert Application name

  2. Select whether or not your subscription OAuth is enabled, and if this application will be available for the use of the previously created profile.

  3. Then indicate if the application will be automatically provisioned for secrets.

  4. In the Dynamic Cloud Provisioning Profile field select the profile responsible for this action.

  5. Similarly, select the dynamic credential provisioning profile that will be used.

  6. If you want to insert tags for association in the Tags field and in the Description field enter a description for a better understanding of the application.

  7. Finally click on Save