In a productive environment, changes are constants and essential to improving the process. However, knowing "why, how, and by who" the changes have been made is needed.
The purpose of these reports is to display information on all changes made to data registered in senhasegura .
API logs
In Orbit ➔ Logs ➔ API the API logs report will print the following information:
ID: is the unique request identifier
Client ID: is the application identifier
Client: is the application name
Authorization ID: is the authorization identifier
Authorization: is the Authorization word followed by authorization identifier
IP: is the request IP address
Resource: is the used resource name
Event: is the event type
Method: used in the request (GET, POST, DELETE)
Status: is the HTTP response code
URL: is the method address
Error: of the request
Time: is the duration of the request
Date Time: of the request