๐๏ธ User Management
8 items
๐๏ธ Master Key
5 items
๐๏ธ Auditing
10 items
๐๏ธ Monitoring And Notifications
4 items
๐๏ธ Admin Tools
4 items
๐๏ธ User Behavior
Configure the User Behavior
๐๏ธ Change Audit
On critical, service-responsible servers, it is very common for changes executed in these environments to be highly controlled.
๐๏ธ Multi-Tenant
The credentials managed through senhasegura are of extreme importance for a company. Many of them, for a specific set of departments. So important, that other departments cannot be aware of the existence of such credentials.
๐๏ธ ITSM integration
Into the justification and authorization form, the requester user can input the Governance code. This governance code can be used just for evidence or can be integrated into ITSM solutions. If it is integrated with configured ITSM solutions, the senhasegura will first validate with the target ITSM system if the governance code provided grants to the user authorization to execute the operation, if it is the user request is granted, as in the image usr-sistema-0224.