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Version: 3.21

Access Group Criteria

In the Criteria tab. Note that some of these attributes are arranged as lists and others as a free text field. Free text fields allow the use of wildcard or masks.

The wildcard character is the asterisk (*) and can be used anywhere in the value. Let's see some examples of wildcard uses in the Device field:

  • srv* will filter all devices whose hostname starts with srv;

  • *www* will filter all devices that have www in their hostname;

  • vmh*-db will filter all devices whose hostname starts with vmh and ends with -db; 

Some fields allow multiple values to be separated by a comma. The Device field is one of these. The values will be considered as an OR condition in the rule. So, will be considered a pattern/value or another pattern/value. Example for the Device field:

  • srv*,vmh* Allow hostnames that start with srv or vmh;

Another special value that can be used is the [#USERNAME#] mask, which will be replaced by the username of the logged senhasegura account requesting the operation. And you can use this mask along with wildchar and fixed texts. Example for the Username field:

  • [#USERNAME#] Allow only credentials whose username is equal to the requester's username;

  • [#USERNAME#]-adm Allow only credentials whose username is a composition of the requesting user's username plus the suffix -adm;

  • [#USERNAME#]-* Allow only credentials whose username is a composition of the requesting user's username plus a suffix that starts with "-" followed by any other value;

Access group form - Criteria tab