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Version: 3.25

Changing default passwords

Using the orbit security command you can change the default password for users mt4adm and senhasegura. But only the user password mt4adm will be displayed or indicated by the administrator.

mt4adm@vmdf-giskard:~$ sudo orbit security --help
Usage: orbit security <command>

System security management tools

<command> Security action: [password]

--help Show context-sensitive help.

--pwgen Genarate a ramdom password for the system's default user account

To change the password of mt4adm indicating a new value, use the password command.

mt4adm@vmdf-giskard:~$ sudo orbit security password
This action will change the password for the system default user account
Changing password: mt4adm
New password: *********
Retype new password: *********
Are you sure you want to proceed: y
No errors reported
Changing password: senhasegura
No errors reported

To change the password requesting that a random password be generated and presented during the process, use the –pwgen argument.

mt4adm@vmdf-giskard:~$ sudo orbit security password --pwgen
This action will change the password for the system default user account
Changing password: mt4adm
Are you sure you want to proceed: y
No errors reported

The random generated password was: a*Y9z75#
Changing password: senhasegura
No errors reported

To reset the administrator account, use the reset-admin argument.

mt4adm@vmdf-giskard:~$ sudo orbit security reset-admin
This action will change the application admin user password to the initial value. Are you sure you want to proceed?
Change Admin Passwords
Admin User Password Reset Successfully!