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Version: 3.24

Creation of an Amazon ACM type scan

This type of scan aims to discover and bring information from Amazon Certificate Manager (ACM). Fill in the fields:

Cloud ACM accountAmazon account to which CA refers
Import all certificates automatically*Indicates that all Amazon ACM certificates that are found will be imported into the senhasegura
Export certificate key?*It indicates that the Amazon ACM certificate keys found will be exported to the senhasegura .
Scan Amazon ACM

Going to the Execution tab fill:

Keep scan active after import?*Indicates that the scan will continue to work even after the import of certificates found
Days allowed for executionIndicates the days that the scan can work and search for certificates
Periods allowed for executionIt indicates the time that within the defined days the scan can search for certificates.
Minimum interval between runsIt indicates the time between the end and the beginning of a new search.