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Version: 3.21

Creating batch import

Under the deploy step is very important the agility of importing the devices and credentials to senhasegura .

Some important points regarding batch import:

  • The import is based on an Excel spreadsheet;

  • Imported worksheets are recorded in the system and can be retrieved;

  • Devices and credentials that do not exist will be created on import;

  • The devices and credentials that are already registered in senhasegura and that are re-imported, will be updated!

  • The quickest way to undo a wrong import is to fix the worksheet and import it again;

Filling in the template file

The Excel template file is available on the same screen where you can import the filled file. Access Devices ➔ Batch import menu to gain access to the imported files report.

Through the Import report action, you will have access to the import form.

In this form, click the Template file footer button to download the template file.

Note that the columns are self-explanatory.

  • Row 5: Row 5 of the worksheet contain the fields and has colors to identify the entity to which it belongs. Fields in yellow are for Devices, blue for Credentials, and purple for additional credential information, such as automatic change and macro settings.

  • Line 4: Line 4 are explanations and examples of how to populate the values of these fields described in line 5.

  • Line 6: Values can be entered in line 6.


Some entities must be filled exactly with the values that are already registered in senhasegura . This means that misfiling will prevent device or credential registration.

The fields below must be filled with the same value registered at senhasegura .

  • Device Fields (Yellow)

    • Type: the device type. It will be registered automatically in case it hasn't been registered before

    • Connectivity: You must respect the standard of this field as described in your line 4

    • Hostname: the device's hostname, IP, URL, website name or application name. It will be the identifier for the queries. (i.e; Facebook or apl001s10)

    • Manufacturer: It will be registered automatically in case it hasn't been registered before (i.e; Microsoft)

    • Model: the device's model. It will be registered automatically in case it hasn't been registered before (i.e; Windows Server 2012)

    • IP Management: the IP or URL device management

    • Site: place where the device is located. It will be registered automatically in case it hasn't been registered before (i.e; Data Center NYC)

    • Connectivity: equipment and port connectivity, separated by a comma and with the port number after ":". (i.e; RDP:3389,SSH:22)

    • Domain: the device domain (i.e; domain.com)

    • Additional 1: additional information (i.e; platform)

    • Additional 2: additional information (i.e; system)

    • Device Criticality: fill in with "High", "Medium" or "Low"

  • Credential (Blue)

    • User: credential's username

    • Password type: credential's type. Insert a value already registered (i.e; Local user)

    • Domain: credential's domain

    • Password: password's value. In not filled in, the password will not be updated

    • Additional information: additional information about the current credential. Used for database instances, password changes or general connections (i.e; ORAC19)

    • Tags: Password tags, separated by comma. Used to group or filter certain credentials (i.e; mobile, dev)

    • Credential Criticality: fill in with "High", "Medium" or "Low"

  • Credential - additional information (Purple)

    • Activate automatic change: Indicate of the password will be automatically changed

    • Change Plugin: plugin used by the change template (i.e; SSH)

    • Change Template: template used to change password (i.e; Linux - Change Password As Root)

    • Activation Plugin: plugin used by the activation template (i.e; LDAP)

    • Activation Template: template used to activate credential (i.e; AD- Activate User)

    • Inactivation Plugin: plugin used by the credential inactivation template (i.e; LDAP)

    • Inactivation Template: template used to inactivate credential (i.e; AD- Deactivate User)

    • Credential Owner: user who own the credential. Only the credential owner user can log in and retrieve the password of the respective credential.

    • User father credential: Username used to identify the parent credential

    • Hostname father credential: Hostname where the parent credential is managed

    • Macro: remote app automation macro

    • Control status: indicate if the password status will be automatically controlled

    • User for connection: user used to connect to the equipment and carry out the exchange and status control operations. The same credential can be used (i.e; root or password)

    • Hostname for connection: hostname used to connect to the device and perform status change and control operations. The same one as the password can be used

    • Restrict access: Restrict access for the remote app only ("Yes" or "No")

    • User for macro connection: user used to connect to the Operating System. The same one as the registered credential can be used

    • Hostname for macro connection: hostname used to connect to the Operating System. The same one used for the hostname of the registered credential can be used

    • Action for Registration: indicates the action to be taken in relation to the spreadsheet row records (i.e; "I" for Insert, "U" for Update and "D" for Deleting records). If blank, the default action of Insert or Update the record will be taken (if the Device or Credential is already registered).

Points of attention during filling

Another important rule is how to record repetitions. A device filled in the spreadsheet will be compared to devices already registered in senhasegura through the Device name field.

This means that if the spreadsheet device matches an existing device in senhasegura , the device will be updated with the spreadsheet information.

If you want to register more than one user to a device, repeat at least the required fields of the device. So the device will be kept untouched and the credential will be considered.

If a credential has been improperly added and needs to be deleted, the last column of the worksheet can be filled with include, change, or delete actions. By default senhasegura will always try to enter or update the data. If you force with the delete argument, the credential is inactivated on the platform.

When importing the file, the following scenarios will be considered:

  • Devices and credentials are not registered in senhasegura : The records will be registered with the information filled in the spreadsheet


    When entering an unregistered credential always include the Hostname or IP of the device with which it will be associated.

  • Registered devices and unregistered credentials: The records associated with the device will be updated, and the credentials will be registered with the information filled in the spreadsheet

  • Devices and credentials are registered in senhasegura : The records will be updated with the information filled in the spreadsheet


    The spreadsheet can be used to update the devices and credentials already registered in the environment, to do this enter the IP of the device in the field IP Management or the Username of the credential and enter the data you want to update in the corresponding fields.

Once completed, return to the spreadsheet retrieval screen and upload the filled file.

Tracking file processing

Returning to the report accessible from the menu Devices ➔ Batch import , you will have access to the processing of your load. Files that are still being processed will be in Waiting status. Once processing is finished, the status will change to Finished.

If the load has been invalidated by an error, the record will turn red and the Error column marked yes . Check the processing details using the Process details record action.

On the import details screen you have access to the Download log file button. This excel spreadsheet file will have the line in which the detail occurred, the type of alert, and the description of the action taken by senhasegura .

It is important to mention that even if a file was finished with an error, it does not mean that devices and credentials were not created or changed during the process. Therefore, correct the information indicated by senhasegura and continue importing the worksheet until the desired result has been achieved.


You can use this functionality to make adjustments to credentials and devices even after you deploy senhasegura . But be careful to not import old spreadsheets that no longer reflect the system reality.