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Version: 3.24

Publish a certificate

With the certificate available in the senhasegura you can now publish it on the desired device.

Available Publishing Plugins:

  • Apache
  • F5 BigIP
  • IBM Webpshere
  • IIS
  • Kubernetes
  • Nginx
  • Palo Alto
  • Tomcat
  • Windows

Remember that the certificates can only be published on devices registered in the senhasegura .

  1. In the certificate report Certificates ➔ Certificates click on the action button of the desired certificate. Use the filter to find it faster.

  2. Select the reason you want to publish the certificate.

  3. Then choose which plugin of publication will be used.


    You can also select the publication profile created in the Configurations chapter, where the plugin and device settings from which the certificate should be published are already predetermined. If this is your choice just describe the justification for publishing this certificate and choose the authentication credential to perform the publication and click Save.


    You can also create a publication profile in this same form that can be used in future publications, select the box Create a new publication profile and fill in the necessary data.

  4. Enter a description of why you are publishing this certificate.

  5. Then select the credential registered in the senhasegura or enter the username that the system should use to authenticate itself on the devices where the certificate will be published.

  6. Click Save and wait for the page to update.

  7. Go to the Servers tab and select the devices where the certificate should be published.


    You can also schedule the time of publication to do this by going to the Scheduling tab and selecting the Yes option. Then determine the date and time of publication and click Save.

  8. Finally click on Save.

Publishing using the NetScaler plugin

Select the module Certificates ➔ Certificates ➔ Certificates the certificates screen will be shown:

  1. Click on the Actions menu in the action section;
  2. Click on Publish certificate, a new window will open called Publish certificate;
  3. Fill in the information of the certificate publication of the tabs (General, Servers, and Schedule);
  4. Click Save after filling in the required information.

If the user publishing the certificate is in a group that requires approval, the certificate will only be published after approval by one of the group's approving users.

Change a certificate

  1. Go to Certificate Manager ➔ Certificates ➔ Certificates
  2. Click on the actions menu
  3. Click on the Change option

The Certificate Registration screen will open containing the following tabs:

General: Project name, Responsible for the request and tags. Description: Describe what use of the certificate Environment: Select and add the environment System: Select and add system Access Control: Responsible for controlling the access of specific users to the certificate, access expiration date, and time, after adding, you can define whether the user can download the key, download the certificate, and view the password.


The user will access the certificate even if they are not in any access groups.

Notifications: Set alert notifications for certificate expiration, renewal, viewing, and revocation.

Published certificates

To view the published certificates, and on which devices go to the menu: Certificates ➔ Publishing.

In the report find the certificate you want to check, use the filter to find faster and click the corresponding Action button so that the list of devices where the certificate is published is displayed.


The certificate publishing plugin displays the complete certificate chain.