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Version: 3.22

Administrative users

senhasegura provides the user mt4adm as the maintenance and configuration user of the operating system that hosts the senhasegura and the user admin as the administrative user for the web interface.

mt4adm - SSH user

For version 3.10 and above, you should log in using the following user:

  • user: mt4adm
  • password: mt4adm
  • Port: 59022

For old versions, please, contact the Support Team.

admin - Web Interface

For senhasegura 3.10 and above, the login information is:

  • user: admin
  • password: 5enh@5eGuR@!

For old versions, please, contact the Support Team.

No primeiro login, após habilitar o aplicativo, você deverá alterar as senhas. Insira uma senha forte e guarde-a em um local seguro. Não armazene estas credenciais dentro do senhasegura.


You must update the password in the first login, after enabling the application. Use an strong password and store it in a safe place. Do not save these credentials inside your senhasegura.