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Version: 3.22


Containers information

To view container information found on Discoveries go to Discovery ➔ Devops ➔ Containers menu.

Containers report

In this screen, you can view the found containers along with information such as container code, image, creation, state, IP and host.

Ansible Playbooks

To view information from the found playbooks go to Discovery ➔ Devops ➔ Ansible ➔ Playbooks.

Playbooks report

In this screen, you can view the found playbooks. You can still view the tasks of a playbook by clicking its Tasks button or its hosts by clicking the Hosts button.

Ansible Roles

To see information from the found roles go to Discovery ➔ Devops ➔ Ansible ➔ Roles

Playbooks report

Jekins Jobs

To see information from the found jobs go to Discovery ➔ Devops ➔ Jenkins ➔ Jobs

Jekins Nodes

To see information from the found nodes go to Discovery ➔ Devops ➔ Jenkins ➔ Nodes

Jekins Nodes report

Jekins Users

To see information from the found users go to Discovery ➔ Devops ➔ Jenkins ➔ Users

Jekins Users report

Kubernetes secrets

To see information from the found nodes go to Discovery ➔ Devops ➔ Kubernetes ➔ Secrets

Windows Services

O senhasegura performs a discovery through a credential scan, looking for those credentials being used by some kind of Windows service.

If you have already conducted a search and want to check which credentials are associated with any service were found, access the menu: Discovery ➔ Discovery ➔ Services a report with the credentials found will be displayed.

However, if you have not yet configured the search to find these credentials follow the instructions:

  1. Create a new search through the menu: Discovery ➔ Setings ➔ Discovery or change one already created


    In order to configure the search for credentials used by service it is necessary to use the search by Domain.

  2. Continue to the guide Searches and select the option Identify Windows accounts associated with a service

  3. If you have not yet set up a Windows plugin, go to the Plugins tab and add a port and a Windows plugin to be used in this scan.

  4. Lastly click on Save

After the scan is complete you can check the credentials found in the service report (Discovery ➔ Discovery ➔ Services).


Remember that they are credentials are associated with a service Windows, if your scan focuses on different system devices the search will not get results.