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Version: 3.21

Access Group configuration

You can access the Access Groups report through the PAM ➔ Settings ➔ Access ➔ Access groups menu.

This report has the option to register new groups or change existing groups.

You can even completely clone a group to a new record through the Clone access group record action. So you can change small variations in criteria by keeping users linked. That could save you a lot of time.

The screen for a new group can also be accessed from the quick actions menu. Came from the quick actions menu you will be asked for the type of access group to register.

Groups once created will be applied immediately to users. But audit and validation reports are updated asynchronously in a process that is triggered with each modification in some group or modifications to some credential or device.

These fields as you may have noticed are determining the rules that must be obeyed by all members of the group if they want to have access to some privileged information reachable by this group.